RIMBUN HARMONI #Repanting Project at #Seremban .
#RIMBUN HARMONI #Repanting Project at #Seremban . #WANT PAINTED .FIND FOR US.!要油漆.找我们! TKC PAINTING #seremban#Negeri Sembilan# 拥有21年的油漆经验,让您安心,价格公道。 #承包与承接各大小油漆工程与油漆服务 Painting works in progress #Want Painted.find for us. 要油漆,找我们! TKC PAINTING#Seremban #Negeri Sembilan #业各大小油漆 #单层#双层店屋 # 排屋#Banglo #半独立式#独立式#蓄水池#TNB#候车亭#酒店#工#神庙#学校 #住家… #店屋等各大小业 '油漆'…… #Repainting work of all kind #building #ShopLot & #housing . #TNB SUB-STATION#BUS STOP SUB STATION#pump house#Fencing#Control/Blower Room…… #Painting Services- &#Painting Projects #package labor and materials。 #Shophouse #home #temple #factory#Tangki#and #school…… https://m.facebook.com/tkcpaintingN.S/?ref=bookmarks https://www.tkcpainting.com.my https://www.facebook.com/pg/tkcpaintingN.S/about/ https://www.tkcpainting.com.my/
Ms Tan 016-232 2627 https://wa me/60162322627 | ||
![]() RIMBUN HARMONI #Repanting Project at #Seremban . |